Doug Gold is an accomplished author renowned for his compelling true stories. His debut work, "The Note Through the Wire," is the riveting tale of a New Zealand soldier and a Slovene resistance fighter. Set against the backdrop of Hitler-occupied Europe, the novel intricately weaves together their romance and unwavering commitment to freedom. Garnering widespread acclaim, it achieved bestseller status and was released in the USA, UK, Australia, New Zealand and other foreign language territories, captivating readers worldwide.
Inspired by the incredible true story of Peter Blunden and Thalia Christidou, marked by courage and determination, Doug Gold was compelled to pen his subsequent book: "The Dressmaker and the Hidden Soldier." He felt it was an extraordinary story that had to be told.
Before his writing career, Doug was a successful media entrepreneur, securing numerous broadcasting awards. With his business partner, he founded the More FM radio network and also co-founded NRS Media, an international media company with global offices. Currently residing in Wellington with his wife, Anemarie, Doug continues to captivate audiences with his true WWII stories.